Strategic Insights resources

Looking beyond the technology and investment opportunities of today.


At Heligan Strategic Insights (HSI), we focus on the future, looking beyond today’s technology and investment opportunities to create resources that enhance understanding and support decision-making in our specialist sectors. 

Our extensive resources encompass the latest technological trends, capability deployments, threat analyses, and legislative changes impacting critical markets in the UK and globally. These materials are developed to keep stakeholders informed and prepared for the evolving challenges and opportunities ahead.

Additionally, our Primers provide concise insights into technologies, government mechanisms, and the global threat landscape. For deeper exploration, our Spotlight reports delve into less transparent government areas, emerging needs, and detailed market analyses.

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Resource library

Heligan Strategic Insights produces comprehensive materials that analyse the latest trends, threats, and developments affecting National Security, Crime Prevention, and Public Safety, both in the UK and worldwide. Additionally, we provide in-depth analysis of less transparent aspects of government operations and their evolving requirements, with detailed analysis that identifies and explains key areas of opportunity, offering you a clearer understanding of the landscape and helping you navigate it with confidence.

To gain access to our growing library of content and analysis, please subscribe below.

Latest news: Strategic Insights

Upcoming Spotlight report from Heligan Strategic Insights

Warning from Lloyd's of London: Major Cyberattacks Could Cost Global Economy $3.5 Trillion in GDP Over 5 Years

Latest thinking: Strategic Insights

Heligan symbol UK and US security
Heligan symbol A new arms race?
Heligan symbol Understanding tomorrow to make better decisions today
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